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SARA Title III &

Tier II Reporting

SARA Title III Information


The federal Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act became law in 1986. Title III of these SARA provisions is also known as the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). SARA Title III requires states to:


  • Promote outreach for developing local emergency preparedness programs to respond to chemical releases.

  • Receive reports from the regulated community.

  • Organize, analyze and disseminate the resulting information on hazardous chemicals to local governments and the public.


Specifically, this has required the establishment of state emergency response commissions and local emergency planning committees. The nationwide regulated community of manufacturers and non-manufacturers of hazardous chemicals must report concerning their emergency chemical releases; their Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS); their facility hazardous chemical inventories (Tier I and Tier II reports); and their toxic chemical releases to the air, land or water (Toxics Release Inventory).


Because of this activity, businesses have reassessed their chemical inventories and their manufacturing processes. In addition, more businesses are working cooperatively with local governments to plan for and try to prevent an accidental chemical release.

Businesses are also pursuing waste minimization and pollution prevention programs and realizing monetary savings.


Tier II Reporting Requirements


Tier II Administration: Alabama Department of Environmental Management

Phone: 334-260-2700

Email: Beth Woodfin (

Tier II Submission E-mail:


Special Instructions: Alabama’s SERC accepts two forms of electronic submittal utilizing either E-Plan or Tier2 Submit. There are two state required fields: 1) Master ID #, and 2) valid email address for proof of receipt. Please see the above webpage for additional information.


Tier II reports shall be sent to the local fire department/district, local EMA and the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC).  For Jefferson County EMA, those submissions should be sent to the following email:  Please note that the Jefferson County LEPC does NOT require paper Tier II submittals. We request that reports be submitted electronically ONLY in .t2s format. We will provide you positive confirmation once received. 



Citizen Requests for Information:


Citizens requesting information about a particular site or the next open meeting should go to the LEPC page within our website to find out more about the proper requesting procedures.  Click here to go directly to that page.

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