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This page will help you gather the information and resources you may need in case of a pandemic such as the flu, SARS, Coronavirus (COVID-19), etc.  Information courtesy of and


Before a Pandemic


  • Store a two week supply of water, food, N95 masks, and other general supplies.  Click here for our supply kit suggestions.

  • Periodically check your regular prescription drugs to ensure a continuous supply in your home.

  • Have any nonprescription drugs and other health supplies on hand, including pain relievers, stomach remedies, cough and cold medicines, fluids with electrolytes, and vitamins.

  • Get copies and maintain electronic versions of health records from doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and other sources and store them, for personal reference. Get help accessing electronic help records.

  • Talk with family members and loved ones about how they would be cared for if they got sick, or what will be needed to care for them in your home.


During a Pandemic


Limit the Spread of Germs and Prevent Infection

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.  Consider wearing a facemask when going out into public areas.

  • When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.  Wear a facemask to decrease the chances of accidently spreading the virus.

  • Stay home for 24 hours AFTER the last signs of a fever existed WITHOUT fever-reducing medications. 

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick.

  • Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs.  If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.  These are your primary routes of exposure.

  • Practice good health habits. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food. 




  • Most people with viruses have mild illness and do not need medical care or antiviral drugs.

  • If you get sick with flu or other viral-like symptoms, in most cases, you should stay home and avoid contact with other people, except to get medical care.

  • If, however, you have symptoms of flu- or other viral-like symptoms, and are in a high risk group or become very sick and are worried about your illness, contact your healthcare provider.

  • Do not go to the emergency room if you have mild symptoms.  Go to a local urgent care facility or your personal physician for these instances to get checked out and for medication.  The emergency room is for people who need emergency life-saving care.

  • The CDC recommends prompt treatment for people who have the flu infection or suspected flu infection and are high risk of serious flu complications (such as those with asthma, diabetes, heart disease, are pregnant, elderly or infants).


Extra Info

  • Jeffco EMA on Facebook
  • Jeffco EMA on Twitter
  • Jeffco EMA on YouTube
  • Jeffco EMA on Instagram
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