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Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)

The Jefferson County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) was created by Jefferson County Resolution dated September 15, 1987, for the purpose of complying with Public Law 99-499, the Superfund Amendment and Re-authorization Act of 1986 (SARA) and Alabama Executive Order No. 4 that established the Alabama Emergency Response Commission.




  1. Identify facilities that store or use extremely hazardous substances and major routes likely used to transport these substances.

  2. Identify methods and procedures to be used by facility owners or operators and local emergency and medical personnel who respond to any release of an extremely hazardous substance.

  3. Identify individuals designated as the Community Emergency Coordinator and Facility Emergency Coordinators who will make determinations necessary to implement the plan.

  4. Identify procedures to be used in the event of a release to notify proper authorities and the public, and evaluate implementation of the plan during a chemical release.

  5. Establish methods that will be used to determine when a release has occurred and the probable area and population that could be at risk.

  6. Compile an inventory of the emergency equipment and facilities that are available in the community (owned by governmental units or private concerns) and the identity of persons responsible for them.

  7. Develop a plan for the evacuation of facilities and potentially affected areas.

  8. Develop a description of a training program for local emergency response personnel, to include identifying available training courses and schedules.

  9. Design and schedule exercises to test the emergency response plans and evaluate all drills and exercises.

  10. Jefferson County LEPC will take an All-Hazards Approach by reviewing, and making recommendation for changes in plans included in Jefferson County’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan.


The LEPC meets quarterly at a pre-determined location, and usually from 1:30-3:00pm.  Please check our calendar of events to see when the next meeting will occur.


If you would like more information about the LEPC, or request information regarding potentially hazardous materials around your area, or request information about a previous spill, you may contact the LEPC through the general EMA email, which will be forwarded to the most appropriate person/organization.  That email is  

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