Jefferson County Healthcare Coalition
In the event of a major incident or disaster affecting healthcare organizations within Jefferson County, a Healthcare Coalition (HCC) has been established to assist the affected healthcare facilities.
The HCC meets quarterly and facilitates frequent coordination activities with other emergency organizations in the county. The HCC agrees to work together to maximize surge capacity and capability before, during and after medical and public health emergencies. The HCC members include representatives from the general public, volunteer organizations, first responders, local governments, education, public works, utilities and healthcare providers including hospitals, long term care facilities and emergency medical services. This represents a wealth of expert resources in which to build your network.
The HCC also coordinates county-wide trainings, drills, discussion and operation-based exercises in an effort to enhance local response capabilities. Benefits from participating include an opportunity to update organization/facility Emergency Operations Plans and compliance with Emergency Preparedness regulations to participate in the Medicare or Medicaid program.
To view the HCC's Hazard and Vulnerability Assessment for 2019, click here.
To view the HCC's emPOWER, power-dependent beneficiaries, click here.
If your organization would like to be a participant in the JC HCC, please fill out this form and return to Julie Cobb at
For more information contact the JCDH Emergency Preparedness Division at 205.933.9110.
Or email:
Julie Cobb, RN
Jefferson County Dept. of Health / HCC Coordinator