About The EMA
The Jefferson County Emergency Management Agency, a governmental entity consisting of Jefferson County and its municipalities, has been in existence since 1951. The Jefferson County EMA is authorized by state legislation and has been internally governed by ordinances and resolutions passed by its governing body. The governing body is the Jefferson County Emergency Management Agency Council which is comprised of the mayor or authorized representative from each municipality or township in Jefferson County, and one member of the Jefferson County Commission.
The Jefferson County Emergency Management Agency is the first line of official public responsibility for emergency management activity in Jefferson County. As such, the EMA is charged with planning efforts for the county. This includes developing and maintaining an ongoing program of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.
The Jefferson County EMA works with local governments, nonprofit organizations and private sector companies in Jefferson County to develop plans and capabilities to respond to hazards which seriously threaten the county.
Jefferson County EMA’s Mission Statement:
“To save lives and protect property by developing programs and emergency operational capabilities that mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from any emergency or disaster.”
Our Staff

James "Jim" Coker​, Director
Jim was appointed Director of the Jefferson County Emergency Management Agency in September, 2014.
Jim’s responsibilities include but are not limited to: coordination of the Jefferson County Emergency Operations Center during significant events; conducts briefings to external groups; communication with staff, Emergency Management Council and others; EMA operating budget; development of the Emergency Operations Plan; inter-agency coordination and cooperation; maintain positive public relations; public awareness of agency capabilities and the use of volunteers during disasters and training.
Jim has a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Alabama and a Master’s Degree from Faulkner University; he continues to teach courses as an adjunct professor. He served as an instructor at the State Trooper Academy for 11 years, a program coordinator and instructor for the Alabama Fire College, an instructor for the Alabama Public Safety Leadership Academy, and conducts training for the FBI. He is a graduate of the Alabama Military Academy (U.S. Army OCS) and served in the Alabama Army National Guard. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and achieved certification as a Senior Crime Scene Analyst (IAI) and a Traffic Accident Reconstructionist. He received the District Award of Merit and the Silver Beaver Award from the Boy Scouts of America. He previously served as the Vice Chairperson of the Red Cross Shelby County Chapter Board of Directors. He is a graduate of Leadership Shelby County.
Jim developed an interest in emergency management in 1974 when, while serving as the Captain of a high school Red Cross Disaster Team, he deployed to the super outbreak of tornadoes which impacted many parts of Alabama, in particular the Guin area.
Jim is a member of the Alabama Association of Emergency Managers and the FBI National Academy Association. He served with the Alabama All-Hazards Incident Management Team from 2007-2014; his last position was Incident Commander for Central Alabama.
Prior to coming to JC EMA, Jim served as a law enforcement officer for thirty-five years working with the University of Alabama Police Department, Tuscaloosa County Sheriff’s Department, and City of Hoover Police Department where he retired in 2014 as a Captain.
Chris Tate, Deputy Director
Chris Tate has been employed with Jefferson County EMA since October 2017. In 2023, he was named Deputy Director.
Chris’s responsibilities include: Staff and office management, Operational budgeting, CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Coordinator/Instructor; Management of the outdoor warning siren system; Website management; Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (Drones) program management; IT and communications systems management; School district liaison, and performing emergency coordination, response and liaison responsibilities as Duty Officer. In addition to his duties at JCEMA, he is member of the Alabama State Dept. of Education's School Safety Task Force, Alabama Attorney General's School Safety Task Force, and sits on the board and chairs the Certification Committee for the Alabama Association of Emergency Managers (AAEM).
Chris Tate, a native of Hoover, Alabama, graduated from Auburn University in 2006 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Aviation Management. He also holds a Masters of Public Administration degree with a concentration in Emergency Management from Jacksonville State University. In 2014, Chris was among the first of a group of peers to receive the Alabama Association of Emergency Managers’ Masters Level Emergency Manager Certification. In 2020, Chris received his Certified Emergency Manager (CEM®) designation through the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM).
Prior to Jefferson County, Chris worked at the Lee County EMA for ten years. While at Lee County, he was also an Adjunct Instructor of Public Safety with the Chattahoochee Valley Community College. He is a Pro-Board-Certified Volunteer Firefighter and Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician. He has worked as an EMT for East Alabama Emergency Medical Services for 6 years, served as a Reserve Police Officer with the Opelika Police Department for 5 years, volunteered as a Firefighter/EMT for 7 years with the Beauregard Volunteer Fire Department, and prior to that, Smiths Station Fire & Rescue, and served as the Squadron Commander of the Auburn Composite Squadron, Civil Air Patrol, for eight years.
Chris has been an active member of the Civil Air Patrol since 2001, and has obtained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. During his tenure as the squadron commander of the Auburn unit, he was awarded decorations including the Air Force Organizational Excellence Award, Exceptional Service Award (2nd Award), Meritorious Service Award (3rd Award), Commander’s Commendation (6th Award), Disaster Relief Ribbon (V Clasp, 3rd Award), Leadership Ribbon (7th Award), National Commander’s Unit Citation (2nd Award), National Emergency Services Ground Team of the Year for the Auburn Composite Squadron in 2010, and was named the Senior Member of the Year for the Alabama Wing for 2012.
From 2006-2016, Chris coordinated the Wreaths Across America event at Fort Mitchell National Cemetery. Each December, thousands of volunteers help place thousands of live wreaths on the headstones of our heroes buried at Ft. Mitchell with the mission to Remember, Honor, and Teach.
Chris has been the recipient of the President’s Volunteer Service Award, and in 2012, was awarded the Lifetime Award, also known as the President’s Call to Service Award.
Through volunteerism and other emergency services work, Chris has deployed to or participated in many major disasters the southeast has faced since 2005 including Joint Task Force Katrina, Joint Task Force Rita, Deep Water Horizon-Gulf Oil Spill, the April 2011 Tornadoes, and more recently, the March 3rd, 2019 tornado in Lee County.
Matthew P. Carrier, Emergency Management Officer​
Matt Carrier has been employed with Jefferson County Emergency Management Agency since December 2017.
Matt’s responsibilities include planner and liaison for ESF 6 - Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services and liaison to the Jefferson County VOAD and serves on the United Way AIRS committee and Long-Term Recovery Group. Matt is also the ESF 8, Public Health and Medical Services planner and liaison and serves on the Jefferson County Health Care Coalition Leadership Team and UAB Emergency Management Committee. Matt also supports ESF 7 Logistics and ESF 11 Agriculture and Natural Resources as planner and liaison, Additionally, Matt performs emergency coordination, response, and liaison as Duty Officer.
Prior to coming to JC EMA, Matt was the Disaster Program Manager for the American Red Cross, Mid Alabama chapter, covering 10 counties including Jefferson. Matt has broad experience in disaster preparedness, response and recovery operations locally and across Alabama. He also has disaster operations experience in New York having responded to Super Storm Sandy as the Mass Care-Logistics Liaison and in Louisiana during the 2015 floods where we was the district director for response and recovery operations for 12 Parishes in NW LA.
Matt attended Jacksonville State University where he earned both his bachelor’s and master's degrees in Emergency Management and Homeland Security.
Matt holds the Master' Level Emergency Manager’s certification from the Alabama Association of Emergency Managers, of which he has been a member since 2012. In 2016, Matt was awarded the Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) accreditation from the International Association of Emergency Managers. He also earned the FEMA Professional Development Series certificate.
Matt is a member of Civitan International and The Birmingham Canoe Club. He and his wife can be found paddling, hiking, and camping around Alabama and the Southeast United States.
Baylee Pope, Emergency Management Officer​
Baylee Pope has been employed with Jefferson County Emergency Management since September, 2019.
Baylee’s responsibilities include: Social Media management; Plan Development; Tier II Program Manager; ShelterJeffCo Program Manager; public outreach, overseeing the school emergency notification program, managing the JCEMA mass notification system, and performing emergency coordination, response and liaison as Duty Officer. Baylee is the Secretary and Public Information Coordinator for the Jefferson County LEPC and the President of the Jefferson County Amateur Radio Club.
Baylee has received extensive emergency management training through the Center for Domestic Preparedness, Emergency Management Institute, The National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security, and Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service. She is trained to the Hazardous Materials Operations level. Baylee is also a licensed Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) operator. She has earned her FEMA Professional Development Series certificate. Baylee has received the Advanced Level Emergency Manager certification through the Alabama Association of Emergency Managers. In 2023, she received her Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) designation through the International Association of Emergency Managers. Baylee is a certified peer support member through the Alabama Law Enforcement Alliance for Peer Support. She is also a licensed Emergency Medical Technician.
Baylee is a member of the Alabama Association of Emergency Managers, the International Association of Emergency Managers, the National Association of SARA Title III Program Officials (NASTTPO), and the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians.
Edmond Jones, EMA Officer
Edmond Jones has been with the EMA since October 2023.
Edmond's responsibilities included: Managing Explorer Post 427, Tier II management, Drone Support, and Logistics support.
Edmond is a Birmingham native and has a strong foundation in Emergency Management. In 2022, he graduated from Jacksonville State University with a Bachelors Degree in Emergency Management with a Minor in Criminal Justice. He is currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Public Administration, specializing in Emergency Management.
During his academic journey, Edmond demonstrated a deep passion for emergency preparedness and response. He gained invaluable experience as an intern at the Jefferson County Emergency Management Agency, dedicating nearly two years to learning and contributing to the field.
Upon graduating from JSU, Edmond embarked on his professional Emergency Management career at the Montgomery City/County Emergency Management Agency, where he assumed the role of Planning Officer. His responsibilities included the creation and maintenance of emergency plans for the City and County of Montgomery. Edmond's contributions extended beyond planning; he also took charge of the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), driving a remarkable 50% increase in community involvement during his tenure.
Sharonda Marshall, Administrative Assistant​
Sharonda Myree has been employed with Jefferson County Emergency Management Agency since November 2022.
Sharonda’s responsibilities include: administrative support to the director and staff; financial management, payroll and personnel reports; purchase requisitions for normal operations, contracts and emergency operations; accounts payable and receivables; staff travel and travel reimbursements; inventory, grants, safe rooms applications, EMA support documentation and scanning for file achieving; office mail, phone and correspondence; creating tables, brochures, pamphlets and forms; and scheduling the Training Room and Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for outside agency use.
Sharonda attended Miles College where she earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice. In her free time, Sharonda likes spending time with family, giving back to the community and volunteering with Habitat for Humanity Greater Birmingham.
Sharonda is a member of the Alabama Association of Emergency Managers.
Meetings Records
Full EM Council Meeting via remote conferencing due to COVID-19 on June 15, 2020